Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Mesoleuca gratulata (Walker, 1862)
Explanation of Names
GRATULATA: from the Latin "gratulatus" (to express joy or gratification at the sight of); the first yearly sighting of these pretty and conspicuous day-flying moths is gratifying because it is a sure sign of spring in the west
One of just 2 species in genus in NA
forewing with broad white medial band and broad black curving postmedial band; prominent black discal spot; basal area black
California to Colorado, north to southern BC and Alberta
adults fly during the day mostly in early spring (February-April), with a few late stragglers until mid-June
larvae present from early to late spring
larvae feed on leaves of Rubus species and hazel (Corylus cornuta)
Life Cycle
eggs are laid singly in early spring on leaves or buds of Blackberry (Rubus discolor) or Thimbleberry (R. parviflora); caterpillars hatch in about 10 days, pupate in about 3 weeks, and overwinter; adults emerge the following spring
Internet References
Moth Photographers Group - range map, photos of living and pinned adults.
live larva and adult images plus biology (Jeremy Tatum, Butterflies and Moths of Southern Vancouver Island)
pinned adult image [by Jeff Miller] (Macromoths of Northwest Forests and Woodlands; USGS)