Subspecies Xanthippus corallipes pantherinus - Red-shanked grasshopper
The North American Grasshoppers, volume I, Acrididae, Gomphocerinae and Acridinae By Daniel Otte Harvard, 1981
This is a very thorough treatment of the Slant-face Grasshoppers. It is full of information on behavior, has descriptions and maps of all species, as well as high quality illustrations of nearly all. It is extremely useful as an identification guide, as well as for learning about these fascinating insects. It covers all of North America from Panama northward. The treatment is still nearly up to date, with little having changed since it was published. I believe it is out of print now, but I find it still occasionally available. Hopefully it will be reprinted.
Harvard University Press
The North American Grasshoppers, volume II, Acrididae, Oedipodinae By Daniel Otte Harvard, 1984
This is a very thorough treatment of the Band-wing Grasshoppers. It is full of information on behavior, has descriptions and maps of all species, as well as high quality illustrations of nearly all. It is extremely useful as an identification guide, as well as for learning about these fascinating insects. It covers all of North America from Panama northward. The treatment is still nearly up to date, with little having changed since it was published. Long out of print, it is now available again from Harvard University Press
Evolution, Diversification, and Biogeography of Grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae) By Hojun Song, Ricardo Mariño-Pérez, Derek A Woller, Maria Marta Cigliano Insect Systematics and Diversity, 2(4):3, 1-25, 2018
Full text (PDF available)
Contributed by Iustin Cret on 20 October, 2020 - 7:21am |
How to Know the Grasshoppers, Cockroaches, and Their Allies By Jacques R. Helfer Wm. C. Brown Company, 1962
Part of the original Pictured Key Nature Series. I have only seen the 1962 original paperback. There was a 1987 Dover reprint, apparently of the 1972 (2nd) edition.
Covers grasshoppers, termites, cockroaches, and mantids. Has 540 good black-and-white illustrations. Though somewhat dated, has more thorough coverage of some groups (e.g., Pygmy Grasshoppers, Tetrigidae) than more recent popular guides. Worth finding if you are interested in orthoptera.
The 1987 Dover reprint of the 2nd edition includes a new preface, new footnotes, new illustrations, treatment of crickets, and a
Contributed by Cotinis on 15 March, 2004 - 10:57pm |
Grasshoppers (Acrididae) of Colorado: identification, biology and management By John L. Capinera, T. S. Sechrist Colorado State University Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin, 584S, 1982
Synopsis of Orthoptera (sensu lato) of Alabama By Matt E. Dakin, Jr., and Kirby L. Hays Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin, No. 404, 1970
Keys to at least most of the latent sense Orthoptera in Alabama (includes Blattodea, Mantodea, Phasmida, etc).
Key to the Grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae) of Florida By Trevor Randall Smith, Jason G. Froeba, and John L. Capinera Florida Entomologist, Vol. 87, No. 4, 2004
"A dichotomous key is presented to aid in the identification of the adult stage of the 71 grasshopper species known to occur in Florida. Reflecting recent research one subspecies, Schistocerca alutacea rubiginosa (Scudder), has been elevated to species status Schistocerca rubiginosa (Harris) in this key."
Florida Entomologist link
Florida Entomologist PDF
The grasshoppers of Oklahoma (Orthoptera: Acrididae) By Stanley Coppock Jr Oklahoma State University, 1962