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Species Enallagma traviatum - Slender Bluet

Slender Bluet - Enallagma traviatum - male Enallagma traviatum - male Enallagma traviatum - male Slender Bluet - Kentucky - Enallagma traviatum - male - female Slender Bluet - Enallagma traviatum - female Slender Bluet - Enallagma traviatum - male Slender bluet damselflies - Enallagma traviatum - male - female Slender bluet damselflies - Enallagma traviatum - male - female
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Hexapoda (Hexapods)
Class Insecta (Insects)
Order Odonata (Dragonflies and Damselflies)
Suborder Zygoptera (Damselflies)
Family Coenagrionidae (Narrow-winged Damselflies)
Genus Enallagma (American Bluets)
Species traviatum (Slender Bluet)
29-32 mm
Abdominal segments 8 and 9 blue. Male has abdominal segment 10 black, with long appendages. Female has segment 10 blue. Middle segments black with blue rings. Large blue eyespots connected by narrow bar. Black shoulder stripes narrow. (1)
Includes eastern United States.
Permanent ponds, lakes, often near woodlands.
Late May-September (New Jersey), June-July (Connecticut)
Predatory on other insects.
See Also
Turquoise Bluet, E. divagans, Skimming Bluet, E. geminatum, Pale Bluet, E. pallidum.
Print References
Lam, p. 61 (1)
Internet References
Works Cited
1.Damselflies of the Northeast
Ed Lam. 2004. Biodiversity Books.