Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Hippodamia parenthesis (Say)
Orig. Comb: Coccinella parenthesis Say, 1824
last three key couplets per Gordon (1985):
Pronotum with pale median spot at base
Apex of elytron with sutural margin never black
Tarsal claw with tooth closely oppressed
widely dist., except se US and northern Pacific coast -
Map (1)See Also
According to Gordon
H. parenthesis west of the Mississippi is easily confused with
H. lunatomaculata.
The tarsal claws must be examined with the tooth being "closely appressed" on H. parenthesis. East of Mississippi, no confusion.
H. apicalis and
H. expurgata can appear to have similar elytra markings, but
H. parenthesis never has apical suture of elytron black.