Identification, Images, & Information
For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada
Ligyrocoris barberi Sweet - Ligyrocoris barberi

Ligyrocoris barberi Sweet - Ligyrocoris barberi
University of Oklahoma Biological Station (UOBS), 2.7 km E. of Willis, Marshall County, Oklahoma, USA
August 7, 2017
Det. V. Belov, 2019

swept a few spmns from shortgrass prairie after a rain

spmn in the TAMUIC

must be it... funny thing, the holotype is from College Station
nice addition!

Moved from Ligyrocoris.

Moved tentatively; nice one!
must have those characteristic raspy strips at abd. sides

i have just a handful of specimens (a couple?) of this genus from my place, but TAMUIC is no help: most trays empty :/

Moved from Rhyparochrominae.