Seven Stegea species occur in America north of Mexico.
wingspan about 13-14 mm, based on two photos by Jim Vargo at MPG
Adult: forewing light yellowish-brown to dark grayish-brown with pale AM and PM lines; AM line sharply bent near costa; PM line expands into white wedge at costa; hindwing similarly colored, with pale PM line and dark discal dot
Ontario to Florida, west to California, north to British Columbia
S. eripalis occurs in the east from Ontario to Florida, west to Texas
S. salutalis occurs in the west from Arizona, Utah, and California north to British Columbia
adults fly from May to September in California
Internet References
presence in Arizona; links to images of 2 species (Bruce Walsh, Moths of Southeastern Arizona)
presence in California; list of 2 species with 20 specimen dates and locations (U. of California at Berkeley)
presence in Utah; list of 1 species [
salutalis] (Joel Johnson, Utah Lepidopterists Society)
presence in Florida; list of 1 species [
eripalis] (John Heppner, Florida State Collection of Arthropods)
presence in Ontario; list of 1 species [
eripalis] (NHIC; Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources)
distribution of S. eripalis list of boundary states/provinces (Dalton State College, Georgia)
Contributed by
Robin McLeod on 3 September, 2007 - 4:44pm
Additional contributions by
Maury HeimanLast updated 27 August, 2012 - 2:34pm