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Species Trigonarthris proxima

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Borowiec L. (2007-) Iconographia Coleopterorum Poloniae
Beetles of Poland • Created and maintained by an eminent coleopterist, this site provides one of the world's best photo guides to beetles, with photos of most spp. and all genera of the Polish fauna -- very helpful if you want to get a good idea of what the members of this or that group look like.
List of families

Majka C.G. Atlantic Canada Coleoptera
The site is dedicated to "particularly fascinating species of beetles found in Atlantic Canada... the focus is primarily on the Maritime Provinces" and includes a list of publications by Christopher Majka and colleagues, mostly available for download in PDF format.

Photographical catalog of tropical beetles,
including topics like evolution, morphology, physiology and biogeography of tropical beetles.
I am also working on a catalog of the Holotypes of the university of Hamburg.
If you have suggestions, please let me know.
Robert Perger

Checklist of Coleoptera Known from Great Smoky Mountains National Park
This is the 2006 website for the Great Smoky Mountains ATBI Coleoptera project. We are adding species webpages as we write them and they are linked to the excel checklist. Go to the checklist page from this opening page.

Ohio Coleopterists
This is the site of an organization called Ohio Coleopterists. Of particular interest are a number of back issues of newsletters, with articles on such topics as rearing beetles and unusual collecting methods.

As of my October 2005 visit, the site appears to be no longer updated, but I found the newsletter backfile most useful and interesting. One article described finding an unused baseball diamond populated by wasps who caught and paralyzed Buprestid beetles. The author described wasps flying from all directions with dozens and dozens of buprestids of a number of different species! Lo

Giff Beaton's Beetle page
Giff has just (12/6/04) updated this page with a number of interesting species. He is active in Georgia, so this will be of particular interest to others in the southeast.

See also his Tiger Beetle page.

Checklist of the Coleoptera of Oklahoma
Includes bibliography. This is one of a series of checklists for Oklahoma invertebrates. They are rather hard to find on the web site, so I am going to post links for each order. (There seemes not to be an overall index page.)

The Coleopterists Society
The Coleopterists Society is an international organization devoted to the study of all aspects of systematics and biology of beetles of the world.

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