Identification, Images, & Information
For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada

Subspecies Microrhopala rubrolineata rubrolineata

Catalog of the hispines of the World

Staines C.L. (2012) Hispines of the World

Cassidinae of the world - an interactive manual (by Lech Borowiec and Jolanta Świętojańska)
Already listed on the guide page, but worth adding as a link as well.

Author information added 12 January 2010.
Link updated 7 June 2020.

Borowiec L. (200_-2013) Chrysomelidae: The leaf beetles of Europe and the Mediterranean subregion (checklist and iconography)
An excellent guide with a complete illustrated list of European taxa with distribution data, compiled and maintained by a wold's top chrysomelid expert. The source is increasingly relevant to our area because of the growing number of Palearctic leaf beetles showing up and establishing in North America.

Identification guide to the Leaf Beetles of Great Smoky Mountains National Park
On-line html checklist. Some linked species accounts with images.
Author: Edward G. Riley, Department of Entomology, Texas A&M University

See notes below. Site appears to be gone as of January 2016. Please comment if you know of a new location.

Lawrence J.F., et al. (1995-2005) Elateriformia (Coleoptera) larvae: descriptions, illustrations, identification...
Full citation: Lawrence J.F., Hastings A.M., Dallwitz M.J., Paine T.A., Zurcher E.J. 1995 onwards. Elateriformia (Coleoptera) larvae: descriptions, illustrations, identification, and information retrieval for families and subfamilies. Version: 9th October 2005.

Lawrence J.F., et al. (2000-2005) Elateriformia (Coleoptera): descriptions, illustrations, identification...
Full citation: Lawrence J.F., Hastings A.M., Dallwitz M.J., Paine T.A., Zurcher E.J. 2000 onwards. Elateriformia (Coleoptera): descriptions, illustrations, identification, and information retrieval for families and subfamilies. Version: 9th October 2005

The Beetle Ring
This site links to numerous other sites about beetles, with short descriptors of each.