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Basacallis tarachodes ?? - Basacallis tarachodes

Basacallis tarachodes ?? - Basacallis tarachodes
Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, USA
November 4, 2017
Size: about 6 mm TL
Porch light visitor in daylight. I have read much of the discussion re: distinguishing this species from the Arta complex, and I am left even more uncertain. I have settled on B. tarachodes for the following inconclusive reasons: 1) Not green so not A. olivaria. Although I can detect some olive shading in my specimen. Also mine does not exhibit the wide red fringe that I see on most A. olivaria. 2) Not reddish brown, so not A. stalalis. 3) AM and PM lines seem highly variable on B. tarachodes. I can't rule it out based on those lines. And spacing between lines seems right to me. 4) Purple terminal dashes are clearly present suggesting B. tarachodes. To put it mildly, I could use some expert assistance with ID.

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Basacallis tarachodes ?? - Basacallis tarachodes Basacallis tarachodes ?? - Basacallis tarachodes Basacallis tarachodes ?? - Basacallis tarachodes

Moved, Basacallis tarachodes
Moved from ID Request. Looks good, based on the discussion I assume you were referencing.

Basacallis tarachodes
Thanks Aaron. I appreciate the confirmation.

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