Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
45 spp. in our area:
Chyphotes (Chyphotes)
1. Chyphotes aenigmus
2. Chyphotes atriceps
3. Chyphotes auripilus
4. Chyphotes belfragei
5. Chyphotes bicolor
6. Chyphotes calexicensis
7. Chyphotes californicus
8. Chyphotes capitatus
9. Chyphotes cooki
10. Chyphotes dubius
11. Chyphotes elevatus
12. Chyphotes incredulus
13. Chyphotes knulli
14. Chyphotes mandibularis
15. Chyphotes melaniceps
16. Chyphotes mexicanus
17. Chyphotes minusculus
18. Chyphotes peninsularis
19. Chyphotes petiolatus
20. Chyphotes pimus
21. Chyphotes rugosus
22. Chyphotes rugulosus
23. Chyphotes testaceipes
24. Chyphotes wasbaueri
Chyphotes (Pitanta)
25. Chyphotes albipes
26a. Chyphotes mickeli inyoensis
26b. Chyphotes mickeli mickeli
26c. Chyphotes mickeli polingi
27. Chyphotes bruscus
28. Chyphotes heathii
29. Chyphotes epedaphus
30. Chyphotes evansi
31. Chyphotes gracilis
32. Chyphotes mellipes
33. Chyphotes pixus
34. Chyphotes sonorus
35. Chyphotes subulatus
36. Chyphotes fergusoni
37. Chyphotes nubeculus
38. Chyphotes buzickyi
38. Chyphotes marginalis
40. Chyphotes minimus
41. Chyphotes mojave
42. Chyphotes nitidus
43. Chyphotes pallidus
44. Chyphotes similis
45. Chyphotes stramineus
Key to subgenera by Mickel (1967).
(1) Reproduced quasi-verbatim below
Subgenus Chyphotes: Males - forewing with 2 submarginal cells; the second submarginal cells as long or nearly as long as the stigma and receiving the second recurrent nervure before the middle. Females - first segment of flagellum equal to or longer than second; angle at junction of petiole and T1 ninety degrees or less
Subgenus Pitanta: Males - forewing with 2 or 3 submarginal cells and 1 or 2 discoidal cells; if with 2 and 2, the second submarginal cells much shorter than the stigma and receiving the second recurrent nervure beyond the middle. Females - first segment of flagellum shorter than second; angle at junction of petiole and T1 much greater than ninety degrees
w. US (approximately WA-TX) and n.Mexico (including Baja)
Arid zones, generally grass, scrub, and Pinyon-Juniper
nocturnal wasps; some males are wingless, see discussion at: