Explanation of Names
Alabagrus Enderlein, 1920
6 spp. in our area;
(1)(2) 104 spp. worldwide as of Sharkey (1988)
1. Alabagrus imitatus: southeastern US; TX
2. Alabagrus marginatifrons: southeastern US; KS
3. Alabagrus sanctus: northeastern US; LA, OK, TX
4. Alabagrus stigma: s. FL
5. Alabagrus texanus: widespread eastern US to TX
6. Alabagrus xolotl: AZ
Distinguished from other Agathidinae as follows: fore claw with rounded basal node and not cleft, forewing with vein (RS+M)a mostly absent, notauli present, frons with carina.
Key to females after Muesebeck (1927) with additions from Sharkey (1988):
1a. Wings infuscate with the pterostigma distinctly yellow .............................................. A. stigma
1b. Wings infuscate without contrasting color on pterostigma ......................................... 2
2a. Thorax primarily testaceous or ferruginous ............................................................. 3
2b. Thorax primarily black, metapleuron and propodeum variable ................................... 5
3a. Fore and middle legs mostly black ......................................................................... A. imitatus
3b. Fore and middle legs entirely testaceous ................................................................ 4
4a. Eastern species; hind trochanter distally brown; hind tarsus and tibia distally brown .... A. marginatifrons
4b. Desert southwest species; all trochanters black; hind tarsus and tibia apically brown ... A. xolotl
5a. Ovipositor slightly longer than the abdomen; only hind coxae and femora orange ......... A. texanus
5b. Ovipositor about as long as the body; hind coxae, femora, and base of tibiae orange .... A. sanctus
New World, primarily Neotropical