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For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada
Hovore's Neck-Lined Bycid - Parevander hovorei

Hovore's Neck-Lined Bycid - Parevander hovorei
7 miles NE Rio Grande City, Starr County, Texas, USA
October 19, 1978
Size: 13.5 mm
Collected by N. M. Downie
Determined by Steven W. Lingafelter (1995)

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Hovore's Neck-Lined Bycid - Parevander hovorei Hovore's Neck-Lined Bycid - Parevander hovorei Hovore's Neck-Lined Bycid - Parevander hovorei Hovore's Neck-Lined Bycid - Parevander hovorei Hovore's Neck-Lined Bycid - Parevander hovorei Hovore's Neck-Lined Bycid - Parevander hovorei Hovore's Neck-Lined Bycid - Parevander hovorei Hovore's Neck-Lined Bycid - Parevander hovorei Hovore's Neck-Lined Bycid - Parevander hovorei Hovore's Neck-Lined Bycid - Parevander hovorei