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New Hesperiidae records for Texas and the United States.
By McGuire, W.W. & M.A. Rickard.
Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 30(1): 5-11., 1976
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McGuire, W.W. & M.A. Rickard. 1976. New Hesperiidae records for Texas and the United States. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 30(1): 5-11.

The Rio Grande Valley of Texas, located in the extreme southern section of the state and encompassing areas of essentially neotropical habitat, offers a unique opportunity for the study of Lepidoptera in the U.S.A. The authors have had the good fortune to collect this area rather frequently during the past several years and during that time some interesting and important new records of Hesperiidae have been obtained.

During 1972-1974 specimens of several rare Hesperiidae, previously known in the U.S.A. from only a few examples, were taken: Aguna asander (Hewitson), Aguna claxon Evans, Typhedanus undulatus (Hewitson), Polythrix mexicanus Freeman, Proteides mercurius (Fabricius), Urbanus doryssus Swainson, Panoquina fusina evansi (Freeman), Astraptes gilberti Freeman, Carrhenes canescens (R. Felder), Gorgythion begga pyralina (Moschler) and Lerema ancillaris liris Evans.

In addition 12 species of Hesperiidae were taken that represent apparent new U.S.A. records, another that is at least a new Texas record, and two others that substantiate previous but litle known Texas records. Nomenclature and arrangement follows that of Evans (1952, 1953, 1955) and determinations, unless otherwise indicated, were made by Rickard.