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Is this a ground spider? - Ariadna bicolor

Is this a ground spider? - Ariadna bicolor
Rowan County, North Carolina, USA
March 29, 2018
Size: 8 mm
Looking for help with this spider. Came out of a hollowed out bone that was brought indoors. Stayed hunched up & rather unresponsive for the first day after venturing out & being captured. Doesn't like being in the light, seems active at night, built a shelter in the container I've got him (I think it's a him) in - one photo shows that. Very aggressive when I try to get him to come out for photos - doesn't want to leave the shelter & attacks the paint brush I'm using to gently encourage him to emerge. I'm leaning toward Gnaphosidae based on the way it holds those front legs, but the spinnerets on this guy are not easily visible and it doesn't look like other Gnaphosidae I'm familiar with.

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Is this a ground spider? - Ariadna bicolor Is this a ground spider? - Ariadna bicolor Is this a ground spider? - Ariadna bicolor Is this a ground spider? - Ariadna bicolor Is this a ground spider? - Ariadna bicolor Is this a ground spider? - Ariadna bicolor

Moved from Spiders.

Moved from ID Request.

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