Identification, Images, & Information
For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada
Bald-Faced Hornet--male or female? - Dolichovespula maculata - male

Bald-Faced Hornet--male or female? - Dolichovespula maculata - Male
Jim Thorpe, Carbon County, Pennsylvania, USA
October 8, 2007
Size: 20 mm

Thanks! ^__^ Guess I'm still
Thanks! ^__^ Guess I'm still looking for the Queen-LOL!

just some advice on how to tell the queen apart. queens usually have realy wide white lines on their shoulder, comapered to a worker/male in which these lines are thinner.

Oh I was looking at the wrong
Thanks! Oh! I was looking at the wrong spots/lines..oops..

you can tell by the realy long antennea and the long abdomen

Wow, what a great image! Note long antennae, and long, blunt-tipped abdomen: all say "male."

bald face hornet
I was recently stung by a wasp/hornet that looks like this and went into anaphalactic shock. The sting was the most pinpoint localized pain that one could imagine. I have been stung by many bees, wasps, hornets and never had a reaction like this. It is quite similar to the photos provided. The nest was discovered in Albany NY, the insect is extremely aggressive, has a baseball size nest in my Rhododendron bush that is a papery, wrapped around hive with entrance at bottom. What can you tell me about this insect.