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Family Asilidae - Robber Flies

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Robber Fly - Triorla interrupta - male Asilus sericeus ? - Asilus sericeus - male Machimus (?) robber fly - Proctacanthella Robber Fly - Efferia Proctacanthella? - Proctacanthella - female Efferia aestuans - male Unknown Fly - Efferia Female, Polacantha? - female

ID for Banded-leg Asilid? - Lestomyia Saropogon combustus - Saropogon - female Asilidae? - Hodophylax aridus Robber fly - Saropogon Robber fly Diogmites - Diogmites robber fly? - Diogmites Saropogon abbreviatus Saropogon dispar

Atomosia puella with prey - Atomosia puella Tiny White-ringed Robber - Atomosia puella asilid 3 - Laphria Robber Fly - Laphria Laphria engelhardti? - Laphria engelhardti - female Mt Emily robber - Laphria Robberfly - Laphria macquarti small dark robber fly with prey - Cerotainia

Robber4 Robber on Beach - Laphystia litoralis Robber fly - Psilocurus Diptera Psilocurus Psilocurus  Psilocurus - Psilocurus Laphystia howlandi

D. - Leptogaster Robber Fly - Leptogaster small true fly(?) with long tail and long back legs - Leptopteromyia americana Diptera Psilonyx annulatus Asilidae; Leptopteromyia americana - Leptopteromyia americana - female Bug6024 Leptogaster patula mating pair from NM? - Leptogaster - male - female

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