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Labrador Carpet Moth - Xanthorhoe labradorensis - male

Labrador Carpet Moth - Xanthorhoe labradorensis - Male
Block Island, Washington County, Rhode Island, USA
May 9, 2018
Male antenna - segments doubly bifasciculate:


ID confirmed by JoAnne Russo
male antenna - segements doubly bifasciculate
genitalia - costa pointed and exceeding length of valva

He must have uploaded a new image, because I don't remember placing this. Do we have an image of the whole moth?

yes, I was trying to add this
yes, I was trying to add this image to his and I deleted it by mistake, I've emailed him to add the image back.

Image restored
but yours has been deleted! There has to be a way for you, as editor, to add yours as a new image!

maybe there is
but I added both the antenna shot and the genitalia images to the info page, so it's there.

There isn’t
Only the original submitter can add images to a post. An editor can change any part of a post, including the image shown, but can’t increase the total number of images shown. Adding links is easiest; the alternative would be to share the image with the original submitter to post.

I’m glad I didn’t snap off the entirety of the antennae when pinning!

Nice work, JoAnne!

Moved from ID Request.

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