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Scudderia nymph only ones to have black and white banded antennae?

I'm trying to find out if black and white banded antennae is a correct field marking for the genus scudderia, and excludes all other katydids. I've already posed the question to T. Walker and he has forwarded it to John Spooner who has more experience with nymphs. T. Walker knows of no other genus that has banded antennae, but his knowledge is mostly of Eastern Species.

Recently we had a couple of images that questioned our presumtion that banded antennae means Scudderia. I can't for the life of me find those two images. Anyone remember which ones they are?

One Correction
Dr. Spooner meant to write John meant S. cuneata rather than S. curvicauda on the comment below. I got a follow up email from Thomas Walker.

So far the field marking seems to be good....
Dr. John Spooner had this to say .."Several species in the fork-tailed Scudderia group have the banded antennae. The only other Scudderia with banded antennae that I know of is S. curvicauda 1st, 2nd, and 3rd instars in SE US. As far as I know (limited to SE US), nymphs of other species of Scudderia have dark antenna. But
then, I am not familiar with nymphs of S. septentrionalis or S. pistillata. Like Tom (Walker), I know of no species with banded antennae in any genus of any other subfamily of katydids."

Well, the larger the nymphs, the easier they are to tell apart, too:-) The other genera can be told apart by subtle differences in length of hind legs (in proportion to body size), shape of the head, and other characteristics.

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