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Aristotelia raised from caterpillar on Pomaria jamesii - Aristotelia arenella

Aristotelia raised from caterpillar on Pomaria jamesii - Aristotelia arenella
Ca. 15 miles W of Lamesa., Gaines County, Texas, USA
July 4, 2018
Size: About 6 mm long.
Appears to be the new species here:
The caterpillar was initially found on June 9th silking leaflets of Pomaria jamesii together and feeding on the adaxial sides of the leaflets. It pupated before (but probably close to) June 24th and eclosed on July 4th (the date specified). The caterpillars are easy to find and collect if more material is needed to get the species described. This is also posted on iNaturalist. The link to which can be found here:

Images of this individual: tag all
Aristotelia raised from caterpillar on Pomaria jamesii - Aristotelia arenella Aristotelia raised from caterpillar on Pomaria jamesii - Aristotelia arenella Aristotelia raised from caterpillar on Pomaria jamesii - Aristotelia arenella Aristotelia raised from caterpillar on Pomaria jamesii - Aristotelia arenella Aristotelia raised from caterpillar on Pomaria jamesii - Aristotelia arenella Aristotelia raised from caterpillar on Pomaria jamesii - Aristotelia arenella Aristotelia raised from caterpillar on Pomaria jamesii - Aristotelia arenella

Aristotelia arenella Lee, 2022
This species has now been described in Lee & Brown (2022), Jour. Lepid. Soc., 76 (1): 40-42 (1).

Are there two different species here or a variable one? The one in this entry has a mostly white thorax. This one, and my observation added to it in the comments:

have a brown thorax with 4 silver stripes. The one with stripes seems to match the first image I find on MPG.

Oh, I see what happened. The
Oh, I see what happened. The Hodges number in the description here is wrong. It's not 1764.96 but 1729.1

Moved from Aristotelia.

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