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Orange and black moth - Pryeria sinica - male

Orange and black moth - Pryeria sinica - Male
Glen Burnie, Anne Arundel County, Maryland, USA
November 2, 2007
Size: WS= ~25mm BL= ~14mm
Taking a break at work this chilly morning, around 0900, I saw a couple "bugs" fly past me and land in a pine tree so I went over to check them out. I'd never seen moths like this before (haven't even stumbled across one in the guide) so I went back in and grapped a cup to catch one in. Both were males. It isn't overly active, I didn't even have to chill it to take the images and they don't seem to be strong fliers. It can cling, upside down, to the smooth plastic container I have it in. It seemed to release a faint, musty odor when I was coaxing it back into the container.

Images of this individual: tag all
Orange and black moth - Pryeria sinica - male Orange and black moth - Pryeria sinica - male

When Will They Show Up in My Yard???
I'm probably less than 20 miles from Glen Burnie where the moth was first found in 2003. It has been firmly identified at the USNM, and may be expected to spread throughout the region. I've been hoping to see damage to the Euonymus hedge in front of my living room windows. I don't know if the moth has been found beyond the confines of Anne Arundel County. I'm just across the county line in Prince George's County. Larry Line is in nearby Howard County and hasn't encountered the moth there. The species has apparently become established but may not be spreading rapidly.

More info may be seen here. Report the sighting to the folks at MD Dept. Agriculture.

Pryeria sinica - Welcome to America!
Let Bob know that it's a Zygaenidae from Asia. Check out the images here.

Sorry for the red herring. I realized that it looked suspiciously like a Grapeleaf Skeletonizer so I checked when I couldn't find anything closer.

Check out the info here.

Please, next time that anybody spots an exotic species, let me know so that I can add it to the List of non-native arthropods.
This one has escaped the list for 3 years.

Pryeria sinica
Thanks for figuring this one out.

Report to MD Ag Dept.
This record should be reported to the Maryland department of agriculture immediately. It may be a new county record, and may be of concern anyway, being an exotic species.

I think you're right. It coul
I think you're right. It could potentially be an environmental problem. Its larvae seem capable of significant damage. Should a species page be made for it so folks have a better chance of finding this example?

WOW! How did it get all the way here?


Thanks for taking a look
Running with Steve's assumption of something in Arctiidae, I was thinking of Hemihyalea sp, as Lynette suggested, so I emailed Bob Patterson this morning, asking him to take a look and lend his expertise. Hopefully we'll hear something soon. Again thanks for taking the time to help out.

That's great! I was looking at the page suggested and this moth looks like the one on his page. Hopefully he can ID it.


How about
something like Hemihyalea labecula? See this page. Towards the bottom.

Looking at the wing venations, I'm thinking this may be something in Arctiidae even though I couldn't find anything close either. I even looked at a couple European sites and a Japanese sight without any luck.

I love this moth and I wanna know what type it is. If it is from Arctiidae then that's amazing because I've never seen a moth like this from Arctiidae.


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