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yet another barklouse - Ectopsocopsis cryptomeriae

yet another barklouse - Ectopsocopsis cryptomeriae
Brookside Gardens, Montgomery County, Maryland, USA
July 14, 2018
Size: 2-3mm from photo
Ectopsocopsis cryptomeriae? Found quite a few of them on the undersides of leaves

Images of this individual: tag all
yet another barklouse - Ectopsocopsis cryptomeriae yet another barklouse - Ectopsocopsis cryptomeriae


Heard back from Dr. Mockford...
This is Ectopsocopsis cryptomeriae (Enderlein). The coppery
hue and the light reflections off the head, thorax, and wings are
characteristic of this species, possibly of the genus.

Thanks Diane
I appreciate your contacting Dr. Mockford

Tricky one ...
Females of Ectopsocopsis cryptomeriae look very similar to the macropterous female of Ectopsocus vachoni. I can only tell them apart by looking at the subgenital plate. I'll see if Dr. Mockford has any advice on the subject.

If there are any left after this week of torrential rains, I'l bring one home for ventral photos

Moved from ID Request.