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Loxostege floridalis

Loxostege floridalis
29.797499, -100.998049, Val Verde County, Texas, USA
July 15, 2018
I've been identifying these as albiceralis, but it's been brought to my attention that the pale/white PM line and the brown costa all the way to the apex of the FW much more closely resembles the BOLD barcoded specimen of floridalis from Sonora TX. I have seen seven of these at my site, and one that is a classic albiceralis with the distal costa all gray and a faint thin brown PM line

Image added to MPG
Also, I updated the note at MPG and added links to the original description and a paper by Heppner. Aaron is correct. DNA barcode separates the two clades are separated by ~0.5%. One of the western specimens, a record from NM, was identified by Munroe who wrote the MONA Fascicle.

Moved from Loxostege. Interesting; see my note about DNA on the guide page. Do you have photos of more you can post?

Moved from ID Request.

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