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Dunno - Incisitermes minor

Dunno - Incisitermes minor
San Joaquin Marsh, Irvine, Orange County, California, USA
October 21, 2007
Size: roughly 15mm


Possibly one of these if it was somewhat large. (Do you have a size?) They fly in the fall in CA after the first rains. This one has probably just lost its wings.

Guess 15mm
I think it was out and about shortly after a rain. In 35 years in this state, I've seen only two termites. (The other was last year, winged and the dry type.)

Thanks, Joyce, for the ID and info.

That's "big" so it's probably Zootermopsis angusticollis. I don't know if you have any others in that family where you are; you might wait for someone else to chime in.

If you take an evening walk in the woods the day after a rain in the fall, you have a good chance of encountering a swarm -- hundreds pour out of rotting wood and fly around bumping into you. It's quite something to see. There was a swarm on the UC Berkeley campus a few weeks ago -- there were hundreds flying around on my way to get lunch, then 15 minutes later in the same area they weren't there anymore (at least they were not so evident; I didn't look hard).

I'm sure you've nailed it, but will wait a bit.
The swarm sounds impressive; hope I see one eventually.

We've had a lot of wood damage to our house over the years and, while everyone else says "Termites!", I haven't seen any. Instead, ants are what I find noshing on our woodwork.

I agree
I think it's a termite.

Thanks, Lynette
That clinches it, as far as I'm concerned. Termite's on the move!

Hi Ron ! Well , it always seems that you are one or two steps ahead of me in time and space discovering insects . I have noticed a pattern of Orange county sightings of various insects moving North as I live in N. California . I enjoy the great Bugguide experience as I know that you do . Great photos of insects through the years by the way . So much to discover in nature ! Sincerely Beth

Nice to hear from you, Beth.
Your enthusiasm has always been encouraging to me. At this point, though, I think I'm done with insect photography.

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