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Salebriaria pumilella

Salebriaria pumilella
29.797499, -100.998049, Val Verde County, Texas, USA
August 17, 2018
confirmation, please. Or alter-identity would be just fine...

Moved from ID Request.

ID would be better from a dorsal view. The color of the AM band is not clear to me from this photo.

I tried...
I try to take two views of most moths, especially when I'm not sure what they are. These days I have so many blister beetles, ladybeetles, gnats, caddisflies, dobsonflies, and other junk on the board that the moths often can't sit still very long. This one took off after the first shot and was not seen again. The moth was probably just a little paler and redder overall in life that in the photo. The AM band is redder than any other part of the pattern, but it's not as red as I see on many of the posted pics. I think the black markings match up nicely. If it's not Salebriaria, then what other possibilities are there? I looked through MPG for a long time and couldn't come up with a closer match.Thanks!

Sorry, I could not place it from this photo.

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