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Gonasida - Philolithus elatus

Gonasida - Philolithus elatus
Kurtz Ranch, Sherman County, Kansas, USA
September 2, 2006
Size: 23 mm or so
Is it possible to ID this to species?

Images of this individual: tag all
Gonasida - Philolithus elatus Gonasida - Philolithus elatus Gonasida sp - Philolithus elatus Gonasita sp - Philolithus elatus

Moved from Gonasida.

a guess
So Gonasida has only 5 species in the US and I've seen references to Gonasida compar from Kansas... Don't know if there are more than one species in Kansas and not sure if compar is a valid species name or a subspecies of elata. The CUIC had compar a subspecies so if you are at Cornell, there will be specimens to compare too. If you're in Kansas I'm sure the large collection there has specimens of local Gonasida.

This was found during the day
This was actually found wandering around a short-grass prairie during the day

sounds good
Thanks for taking a look for me! I'll check out the KU collection

ever had a chance to make good on your promise?

No I have not. My bad
No I have not. My bad


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