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Synchlora frondaria - female

Synchlora frondaria - Female
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, USA
October 9, 2007

Moved from Wavy-lined Emerald.


Southern Emerald geometer
It appears to be a southern emerald geometer

Nina-Thanks! I will wait for
Nina-Thanks! The closest item is named Synchlora frondaria. May I change the name and move it to guide? Let me know.

Hi Gerry, you're always at li
Hi Gerry, you're always at liberty to change/edit your posts and move them to the guide if you're feeling quite sure of your ID-- in this case, I think Synchlora frondaria is a match.

I've only been a lep person for a bit more than a year, so if you'd like a confirmation from a more experienced person, you can wait and leave your pix here in the ID request section of the guide.

Nina- a year of experience is
Nina- a year of experience is a lot more than I have. Your word is good enough for me. I will change name and move to guide. Thanks!

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