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Conocephalus attenuatus - male

Conocephalus attenuatus - Male
Catharine Creek WMA, Schuyler County, New York, USA
September 16, 2018
This species was recorded a long time ago from "Ithaca, NY", but I had been looking for it since I came to Cornell in 2015 and had yet to locate one. Then a friend sent me a photo they had taken of an odd katydid (posted to iNaturalist here) - an unmistakable C. attenuatus! I made it a priority to visit the site, and sure enough found them to be relatively common in the very tall vegetation at the edge of an extensive sedge/cattail marsh complex. Males and females of both the all red morph and the red with green limbs variant were present in about equal numbers. Interestingly, they were sympatric with C. fasciatus, C. brevipennis, and C. nigropleurum, all of which I have found in Ithaca. Perhaps C. attenuatus still occurs somewhere there. In any event, it was great to finally see and photograph this distinctive species after looking unsuccessfully for 3 years.

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Conocephalus attenuatus - male Conocephalus attenuatus - male