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For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada
Scelionidae - Trissolcus

Scelionidae - Trissolcus
Naples, Collier County, Florida, USA
December 3, 2007
Size: > 1 mm
Color is desaturated for better viewing. I know these images are rough but these are extremely small. Eggs laid 11/20 or 11/21. Hatched 12/03. Located on opening to garage door framing. The close up of just the hatchlings is desaturated in color to better adjust for viewing. When I first noticed the eggs there were adult (flies? that looked like the hatchlings) in the webbing for two days. This and the size difference makes me think the eggs were just hosts. I have photos of each day only changes were in color from tan to color at hatching.

Images of this individual: tag all
Scelionidae - Trissolcus Scelionidae - Trissolcus Scelionidae - Trissolcus

Trissolcus -- O.A. Popovici det.
Moved from Platygastridae.

Moved from Scelionidae.

Moved from parasitic Apocrita.

can be moved to Scelionidae page

Moved to Scelionidae
Sorry all. I thought these had gone the way of frass. I'll recheck the original images and see if I can better clean the noise for a better image. Thanks for the ID and sorry for letting them sit so long.

Moved from Frass.

Moved from Frass.

Moved from ID Request.

Not an ID
But have a look at these

Thanks John
Thank you John. This sure does seem to be Scelionidae. I think the images are poor, so should they go to frass? Thanks for the ID though. They will stay in my collection as a new bug around the house.

These are probably a bit too grainy for the guide, but a cool find nonetheless