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Tobacco Budworm Moth - Chloridea virescens - Chloridea virescens

Tobacco Budworm Moth - Chloridea virescens - Chloridea virescens
Beverly Hills Foothills, Los Angeles County, California, USA
September 15, 2018
Size: aprox 12mm
Found the larva feeding on evening primrose (Oenothera) and I let it pupate. This is the adult that emerged.

Moved from ID Request.

Good News and Bad News
The adult looks like a Tobacco Budworm Moth, Chloridea virescens. (widespread) Check the position of the PM line at the costal edge of the wing.
The caterpillar looks like maybe a young Geometrid Moth. Note, the reduced number of prolegs.
Conclusion, something in the rearing went awry and somehow things got switched around, sorry.

Thank you
Thanks for pointing this out to me, I was sloppy in keeping track of my pupae and paid the price. Lesson learned!!

(Larva image has been removed)

Good luck finding the ID of the cat. Here is a link to it anyway.
I checked the box for "adult" on this and "immature" on the cat. You should always do this for anything that you know the age of. The browser for the whole order Lepidoptera is set to show either age or both.

Thanks, and will do!
Thanks, and will do!

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