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Scoliidae (Hymenoptera) of the Lower Río Grande Valley.
By Porter, C.C.
The Florida Entomologist 64(3): 441-453., 1981
Cite: 1628468 with citation markup [cite:1628468]
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Charles C. Porter. 1981. Scoliidae (Hymenoptera) of the Lower Río Grande Valley. The Florida Entomologist 64(3): 441-453.


The Lower Rio Grande Valley scoliid fauna includes 5 species: the aestivally common Trielis octomaculata texensis (Saussure), Campsomeris tolteca (Saussure), which abounds throughout the year, and the sporadically encountered Campsomeris completa Rohwer, C. hesterae Rohwer, and C. ephippium (Say). The Trielis seems to be of old Sonoran origin, while the Campsomeris are Neotropic species, some of which invade Sonoran habitats. Valley populations of T. octomaculata and C. tolteca differ in phenology, activity temperatures, flower selection, and habitat preference. Campsomeris hesterae has not been recorded previously from the United States.


The south Texas scoliid assemblage shows strikingly low equability. Of the 5 species taken since 1973,
Campsomeris tolteca is represented by 251 specimens,
Trielis octomaculata texensis by 157,
Campsomeris completa and C. hesterae by 2 each, and
C. ephippium by a single male.