Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Vitacea admirandus (Hy. Edwards, 1882)
Sciapteron admirandus Hy. Edwards, 1882
Tirista admirandus
Tirista admiranda
Memythrus admiranda
Paranthrene admiranda
Tirista argentifrons of authors not Walker, [1856]
* phylogenetic sequence #640067
Explanation of Names
Admiranda is derived from Latin for "admirable/astonishing."
Some (all?) records of Tirista argentifrons north of Mexico appear to be Vitacea admirandus. The type locality for T. argentifrons is southern Mexico. There are separate BINs at BOLD for these two species. They are each others closest neighbors and form a branch separate from the branch containing other species in the genus Vitacea, suggesting the possibility that admirandus might belong in the genus Tirista. Coloration of abdominal segments and a lack of pencil tufts may not separate these two species.
Wingspan: ♂ 25-30 mm, ♀ 34 mm.
Forewing length: ♂ 9.5-15 mm (Bordelon & Knudson, 1998).
Adult - resembles Polistes paper wasps.
Throughout Texas south into Mexico.
Adults active June though November in late afternoon and early evening (Bordelon & Knudson, 1998).
Larval hosts are likely grapes (Vitaceae). Knudson & Bordelon observed the adults in association with
mustang grape (
Vitis mustangensis).
This species was practically unknown before synthetic pheromones, only three specimens in major collections for the first 100 years. It is now known throughout Texas, and is exquisitely sensitive to pheromone residues on skin or clothing.
Males attracted to 1:1 ratio of Z,Z,ODDA and E,Z,2,13,ODDA pheromones, but some males flew directly to the Z,Z,ODDA lure (Bordelon & Knudson, 1998).
Print References
Bordelon Jr., C.W. & E.C. Knudson 1998. Abundant Occurrence of the "rare"
Vitacea admiranda (Hy. Edw.) (Sesiidae) in the coastal Bend of Texas. News of the Lepidopterists' Society 40(1): (
Druce, H., 1881. Insecta, Lepidoptera, Heterocera. Biologia Centrali-Americana,
33. (
Tirista argentifrons)
Edwards, Hy. 1882. Notes on N. American Ageridae, with descriptions of new forms. Papilio 2(4):
Engelhardt, G.P. 1946. The North American Clear-wing Moths of the family Aegeriidae. United States National Museum Bulletin 190:
157-158 (1)
Knudson, E.C. & C.W Bordelon Jr. 2008. Illustrated Checklist of the Lepidoptera of the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas, Vol. 3C: Micro-Moths and Geometroids. Texas Lepidoptera Survey, Houston. 30 pp., 18 plates
Walker, F., 1865. List of the specimens of lepidopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum, 31:
22. (
Tirista argentifrons)