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For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada
Mystery nymph - Savius jurgiosus

Mystery nymph - Savius jurgiosus
Quinta Mazatlan in McAllen, Hidalgo County, Texas, USA
April 6, 2019
Size: 4mm x 6 mm body only
I found this bug crawling around on my leg and sandals in the middle of the afternoon. It continuously wiggled its antenna and moved quickly, but eventually came to rest on my sandals. This area is described as a Tamaulipan Thornforest. I was in a dry area of the property, but water was nearby.

Moved from Unidentified Heteroptera nymphs and eggs.

For explanation refer to these iNat observations (one is for this same individual):

Glad it found a home. :)

Moved from ID Request.

Very cool! I'm not even sure what family it might be--but I'm intrigued by this image I found on iNaturalist. Perhaps your specimen is a visitor from Mexico.

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