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Crane Fly - Limonia nubeculosa

Crane Fly - Limonia nubeculosa
Lake Louise, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada
August 24, 2007
Landed on a post and stayed a while before it flew off.

Moved from Limonia.


Hi Stephen
My guess would be a large sized Limonia immatura. I thought for a moment that it could be Limonia parietina, but the three dark bands on its legs made me settled on Limonia immatura.

Wing Patterning?
Hi Chen, everything seems to match except for the brown banding on the wings. Compared to guide images, there seems to be more banding on the wings of this individual. Is this just variation?

Hi Stephen
I can see your point. I have tried to see the wing venation on this fly but it is not clear. The character I tried to see is whether the r1 is equal to r1+2 or shorter than r1+2 . This will help determine if it is in the subgenus Limonia (r1

Identification Keys
I took a look at your identification keys. They are very nice!
Unfortunately, I have no other images of this Limonia specimen, since it did not stay still for long. So in terms of clarity this image is the best that I have.

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