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Unknown Spotting - Hemileuca peigleri

Unknown Spotting - Hemileuca peigleri
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, USA
April 10, 2019
Size: about 2 inches
I completed a lot of research trying to identify this caterpillar, but with no success. We have many oak, mesquite, and hackberry trees in the area. Yesterday the 24th of April there were many of these caterpillars on the grounds of our campus. Any help is much appreciated.

Images of this individual: tag all
Unknown Spotting - Hemileuca peigleri Unknown Spotting - Hemileuca peigleri Unknown Spotting - Hemileuca peigleri Unknown Spotting - Hemileuca peigleri

Moved from ID Request.

Buckmoth Cat
It's hard to see the exact coloring in your images. However, comparing with Ann's images and other's, it seems to match up. The head is dark-red, correct?
Hemileuca peigleri: (TX)

Unknown Spotting
Yes the head is dark red. I am uploading one more picture for a comparison. After checking your photo against the other it seems to match.

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