Family Reduviidae - Assassin Bugs
New state and provincial records for some nearctic true bugs (Hem.:Heteroptera) from the Ill. Nat.Hist. Survey Insect Collection By Swanson D.R. Great Lakes Entomol. 54: 104‒142, 2021
Contributed by v belov on 11 August, 2023 - 5:50pm |
New United States records for five Heteroptera (Berytidae, Cydnidae, Miridae) from Arizona and New Mexico By Henry, T. J. and J. T. Botz Entomological Society of Washington, 2023
124(4), 2022, pp. 784–794
Abstract.—Five Heteroptera from Arizona/New Mexico are reported new to the
United States: Pronotacantha armata Štusák [Berytidae], Tominotus hogenhoferi
(Signoret) [Cydnidae], and Calocorisca tenera Distant, Fulvius atratus Distant, and
Macrolophus saileri Carvalho [Miridae]. Reviews of the pertinent literature, distribution
records, and known host information are provided and color habitus images
and diagnoses of each species are presented to facilitate identification.
Contributed by Jason Botz on 4 August, 2023 - 1:50pm |
Descriptions of some new Hemiptera-Heteroptera. By Barber, H.G. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 19: 23–31., 1911
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Barber, H.G. (1911) Descriptions of some new Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 19: 23–31.
In the course of time, since the publication of Van Duzee’s Catalogue, I have made note of some corrections and changes which it is necessary to make in certain of my articles. Some of the errors are typographical, due either to lack of opportunity to read proof or to read it with sufficient care.
Contributed by Mike Quinn on 17 June, 2023 - 12:16pm |
A preliminary list of the Hemiptera of San Diego County, California. By Van Duzee, E.P. Transactions San Diego Society of Natural History, 2(1): 1-57., 1914
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Van Duzee, E.P. 1914. A preliminary list of the Hemiptera of San Diego County, California. Transactions San Diego Society of Natural History, 2(1): 1-57.
The Hemiptera enumerated below with few exceptions were taken by me during my residence in that county from December, 1912, to August, 1914. A few, however, were given me by Mr. W. S. Wright and others, and two or three are from localities just outside of the county. The following notes on localities and conditions are given for the benefit of those living in the east who are not conversant with the physical conditions found there.
Contributed by Mike Quinn on 28 February, 2023 - 11:12am |
New Florida and United States Heteropteran records (Hemiptera: Aradidae, Coreidae, Miridae) By Henry T.J., White C.E., Halbert S.E. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 123: 538-550, 2021
Contributed by v belov on 7 December, 2021 - 12:48pm |
The aquatic and semi-aquatic Hemiptera of Virginia By Bobb M.L. Insects of Virginia 7, iv+195 pp., 1974
Contributed by v belov on 5 September, 2021 - 6:08pm |
Hemiptera from southwestern Texas. By Barber, H.G. Science Bulletin of the Museum of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, 1(9): 255-289., 1906
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Barber, H.G. 1906. Hemiptera from southwestern Texas. Science Bulletin of the Museum of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, 1(9): 255-289. (Full Text)
During two successive summers (1903-1904) Mr. Carl Schaeffer of the Brooklyn Museum has collected insects for the Museum in the vicinity of Brownsville, Texas. The Hemiptera were placed in my hands to report upon and this paper is a result of my study of the Heteroptera.
Contributed by Mike Quinn on 24 May, 2018 - 9:45am |
True Bugs (Heteroptera) of the Yukon By G.G.E. Scudder Biological Survey of Canada, 1997
In H.V. Danks and J.A. Downes (Eds.), Insects of the Yukon. pp. 241 – 336. Biological Survey of Canada (Terrestrial Arthropods), Ottawa. 1034 pp.
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