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Family Reduviidae - Assassin Bugs

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New state records and distributional notes for some assassin bugs of the continental United States (Heteroptera: Reduviidae)
By Swanson D.R.
Great Lakes Entomol. 44: 117‒138, 2011

Life history and laboratory rearing of Sinea diadema (Heteroptera: Reduviidae) with descriptions of immature stages
By Shannon C. Voss, J. E. McPherson
Annals of the Entomological Society of America 96(6): 776-792, 2003
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A synopsis of Atrachelus (Hemiptera, Reduviidae)
By Elkins J.C.
Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 56: 97‒120, 1954

Distribution of Ctenotrachelus shermani Barber, an assassin bug new to the fauna of Virginia (Heteroptera: Reduviidae)
By Hoffman R.L.
Banisteria 24: 54‒55, 2004

Una nueva especie para el genero Diaditus Stal, 1859 (Stenopodainae - Reduviidae)
By JC Giacchi
Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina 39(1-2): 1-4, 1980
Description Diaditus tejanus sp.nov.
The article is in Spanish


Range extension of Diaditus tejanus (Heteroptera: Reduviidae)
By Froeschner R.C., Mcpherson J.E., Sites R.W.
Florida Entomologist. 78: 611-612, 1995

Confirmed presence of the Ambush Bug Phymata vicina vicina (Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Phymatinae) in Michigan
By Swanson D.R.
Great Lakes Entomol. 50: 40-42, 2017

Cinco especies nuevas de Pselliopus (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Harpactorinae: Harpactorini) para México
By Brailovsky H., Mariño R., Barrera E.
Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 78: 85-98, 2007

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