Species Hebrus burmeisteri
Additional provincial and state records for Heteroptera (Hemiptera) in Canada and the United States By Scudder G.G.E. J. Ent. Soc. Brit. Columbia 109: 55−69, 2012
Contributed by v belov on 17 January, 2014 - 10:17am |
The Hemiptera: Heteroptera of the Columbia River basin, western United States By Lattin J.D.
Full text
looks like an unpublished, undated manuscript
Contributed by v belov on 13 April, 2013 - 5:12pm |
Encyclopedia of South American aquatic insects: Hemiptera-Heteroptera: illustrated keys to known families, genera, and species By Heckman C.W. Springer. ix+679 pp., 2011
Full text... while supplies last
sound intro covering all Heteroptera; lots of helpful info throughout.
Contributed by v belov on 7 March, 2013 - 9:15pm |
Additions and Emendations to the Virginia Fauna of "True Bugs" (Heteroptera: Cydnidae, Scutelleridae, Pentatomidae, Alydidae) By RL Hoffman Banisteria, No. 3, 15-19, 1994
Contributed by Brad Barnd on 5 April, 2012 - 9:42pm |
Nine Heteroptera (Hemiptera) new to Canada, with additional new provincial records for three other species in Canada. By G.G.E. Scudder Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia, 106: 3-9, 2009
Contributed by Brad Barnd on 5 April, 2012 - 9:32pm |
Heteroptera of concern to southern U.S. By Brambila J. Invasive Arthropod Workshop, Southern Plant Diagnostic Network 7-9 May 2007, Clemson, SC, 2007
Slide presentation
Contributed by v belov on 23 March, 2012 - 1:58am |
Biodiversity of the Heteroptera By Henry T.J. In: Foottit R.G., Adler P.H., eds. Insect biodiversity: Science and society. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell: 223−263, 2009
Contributed by v belov on 10 December, 2011 - 12:45pm |
Tingoidea of Oklahoma (Hemiptera) By Drew W.A., Arnold D.C. Proc. Oklahoma Acad. Sci. 57: 29-31, 1977
Key to 19 spp. of Tingidae and Piesma cinerea (Piesmidae), and a checklist with host plant info.
Online version
Contributed by v belov on 15 August, 2011 - 8:48am |