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Pupa within Alligator Juniper berry - Periploca atrata

Pupa within Alligator Juniper berry - Periploca atrata
Sandia Mountains, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, USA
May 19, 2019
Size: 3.34 mm
Download high resolution image here.

I found this pupa in a hollowed-out seed of a Juniperus deppeana (Alligator Juniper) "berry" at 35°10'03.2N 106°22'31.2W, 7328 ft. elevation, Sandia Crest 7.5’ quadrangle, along Sulfur Canyon Picnic Ground Rd. in the Sandia Mountains, Bernalillo Co., NM.

The larvae of this species infest this tree to a significant degree. I posted a larva collected three weeks prior from the tree. Its identification is discussed there:

This image is from a Helicon Focus processed stack of 138 images with a 7.7 µm step taken with a Mitutoyo M Plan APO 10×/0.28 ∞/0 mm microscope objective + Nikon 135 mm F2.8 AIS telephoto lens + Nikon D810 camera (magnification 6.75×; technique described here).