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Species Anania mysippusalis - Hodges#4957

dark tipped crambid - Anania mysippusalis Mutuuraia mysippusalis - Anania mysippusalis Crambidae, dorsal - Anania mysippusalis Anania mysippusalis - Hodges#4957 - Anania mysippusalis Anania mysippusalis  - Anania mysippusalis Crambid Snout Moth - Anania mysippusalis Anania mysippusalis Anania mysippusalis
Show images of: caterpillars · adults · both
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Hexapoda (Hexapods)
Class Insecta (Insects)
Order Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)
Superfamily Pyraloidea (Pyralid and Crambid Snout Moths)
Family Crambidae (Crambid Snout Moths)
Subfamily Pyraustinae
Tribe Pyraustini
Genus Anania
Species mysippusalis (Anania mysippusalis - Hodges#4957)
Hodges Number
Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Anania mysippusalis (Walker, 1859)
Mutuuraia mysippusalis (Walker, 1859)
Botys mysippusalis Walker, 1859
Botys humilalis Lederer, 1863
* phylogenetic sequence #148700
Eight (8) species of Anania are found in America north of Mexico.
wingspan about 26 mm
Adult: forewing medium brown with dark brown AM and PM lines and dark fringe; PM line irregular, slightly wavy, with large lobe near mid-point; hindwing similar but with pale fringe; abdomen long, slender, brown with whitish band at base of each segment
specimen identified by DNA analysis (BOLD) from Libby & Rick Avis

across southern Canada from Nova Scotia to British Columbia, south in the west to California and Arizona
adults fly from May to August in California
page creation based on Brian Scholtens' identification of this image, reported by Bob Patterson via email.
See Also
Nealgedonia extricalis PM line toothed and has slightly different shape, and hindwing is noticeably paler than forewing
Print References
Hodges, Ronald W. (ed.) 1983. Check List of the Lepidoptera of America North of Mexico. (1)
Munroe, E., 1976. Moths of America North of Mexico, Fascicle 13.2a, p. 35; pl. 1.53-59.(2)
Lederer, J. 1863: Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Pyralidinen. Wiener Entomologische Monatschrift 7: 464, pl. 9 fig. 2. (Botys humilalis)
Walker, F. 1859 Pyralides. List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. 18: 564.
Internet References
Moth Photographers Group - range map, photos of living and pinned adults.
BOLD - Barcode of Life Data Systems - species account with collection map and photos of pinned adults.
presence in Arizona; PDF doc list (Kenneth Kingsley, U. of Arizona)
presence in California; list of 6 specimen records with dates and locations (U. of California at Berkeley)
presence in Ontario; list (NHIC; Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources)
Works Cited
1.Check list of the Lepidoptera of America north of Mexico.
Hodges, et al. (editors). 1983. E. W. Classey, London. 284 pp.
2.The Moths of America North of Mexico - Fascicle 13.2a - Pyralidae: Pyraustinae
Eugene Munroe. 1976. The Wedge Entomological Research Foundation.