Illustrated Key to the Longhorned Woodboring Beetles of the Eastern United States
By Steven W. Lingafelter
Abstract: A fully illustrated key with over 800 habitus and character photographs (most in color) is presented to allow the easy identification of eastern U.S. Cerambycidae. Of the 400 species of Cerambycidae that occur east of the Rocky Mountains (but excluding southern and western Texas), 377 species are treated in the key. Only uncommonly collected or isolated taxa from the Great Plains, Great Lakes Region, or extreme upper New England are excluded. Nine invasive Cerambycidae known or suspected to be established in the eastern U.S. are also included in the key.
The key includes 417 couplets that are arranged such that most taxa will key out in less than 20 couplets and 10 minutes. The key uses only easily seen external characters, never requires dissection, and never requires both sexes of a species to be available. It emphasizes ease of identification over constraining genera, tribes, or subfamilies to remain together. Unless otherwise specified, all nomenclature follows the latest checklist of Cerambycidae of the Western Hemisphere by Monné & Hovore (2006).
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