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Synanthedon rubrofascia (Hy. Edwards) - Synanthedon rubrofascia - male

Synanthedon rubrofascia (Hy. Edwards) - Synanthedon rubrofascia - Male
Van Buren State Park/South Haven, Van Buren County, Michigan, USA
July 18, 1988
Size: 8 to 11 mm wing length
This species was taken as a Michigan state record in 1988 by William Taft. The food plant is black gum (Nyssa) which is found along Lake Michigan in wetland swale areas but is isolated from its native geographic range. This species is attracted to ZZA lures. Most records are from the southern and eastern United States where the tree is commonly found. The specimen was photographed by Peter Carrington for the North Central Regional Publication No.394, Updated March 2004 named "A Guide to the Clearwing Borers (Sesiidae) of the North Central United States" by William Taft, Dave Smitley and J.W.Snow.

Moved to guide
the ID does not appear to be in question - perhaps you had trouble locating the guide page?
Nice addition - and congratulations on the discovery!

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