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Lacon sp. marmoratus? - Lacon

Lacon sp. marmoratus? - Lacon
Jordan River near Murray, Salt Lake County, Utah, USA
June 18, 2019
Size: 17 mm
With this single frame microscope I have to split larger specimens into multiple photos.

Found a couple of these large clicks after dark at the excavated base of a still-living cottonwood. They look similar to eastern Lacon marmoratus in my amature opinion.

Images of this individual: tag all
Lacon sp. marmoratus? - Lacon Lacon sp. marmoratus? - Lacon Lacon sp. marmoratus? - Lacon

Texture of the hypomeral groo
Texture of the hypomeral groove matches that seen in .

Moved, Lacon sp.
very interesting, this keys out well to L. marmoratus (from what I can see of scale color and pattern). Arnett states it is not known west of Iowa, and west of the Rockies would be interesting indeed.

I might have to see this in person. I can try to dissect it, to compare the aedeagus with eastern specimens, but I don't think the aedeagi have been formally described.

This keys perfectly to Moved from Click Beetles.

can you confirm...
are there punctures within the hypomeral grooves?

Difficult to confirm.
With my microscope I only noticed limited sculpturing within the grooves. They are not coarsely punctured like the surrounding hypomeron. Shallower and smaller punctures might have been detected at the bottom of the grooves; there was some texture. I could not get a good angle on the walls of the grooves.

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