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Wish lists for Diptera, Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera

We should all learn from the coleopterists in Bugguide. They decided to collect at least one specimen from each of the families in that group and they are almost there. Wouldn't it be ironic that the order with the largest number of families complete that list before anybody else?
Here are the families still missing from Diptera, Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera. I used Nomina Nearctica for the first two and All Leps for the last one. I am sure that there are some mistakes, so please, let me know. The thing is, let us go out there and try to get those families in Bugguide!
If somebody wants to work on a similar list for Hemiptera, feel free to do it; otherwise, I may try to do it myself at a later time.

Diptera See Keith Bayless update at 179556

Hymenoptera (5 families)

Anaxyelidae (only 1 species: cedar wood wasp, Syntexis libocedrii)

Liopteridae [Cynipoidea]: 3 spp. in 2 genera in our area

Tetracampidae (4 species)

Lepidoptera (3 families)

Sematuridae (only 1 species, Anurapteryx crenulata Barnes and Lindsey 1919)

Update, April 18, 2010. We are almost there. Then we will start filling in the gaps in lower taxa.
Update, April 19, 2010. For the Hemiptera wish list see v belov's comment below.
Update, March 1st, 2011. We added another Hymenoptera: Signiphoridae last October.
Update, January 14, 2017. We added another Hymenoptera: Mymarommatidae last June.

Update on Lepidoptera
Recent changes in the higher taxonomy of the Lepidoptera knocks two of the families off this list. Deoclonidae is now a subfamily of Autostichidae and Chimabachidae is a subfamily of Lypusidae.

So Deoclonidae and Chimabachidae should be removed from the list and Lypusidae should be added. No changes with Sematuridae.

Comment relocated to proper place in thread.

Chris Grinter has added Acanthopteroctetes unifascia.

Almost two years and I didn't catch it. There are three more species in this family.

expanding the scope of this list??
How about including the missing families across the Hexapoda?
Posting separate small wish lists does not seem to be a good idea: people will have hard time finding them, as is often the case with forum threads. On the other hand, after adding the remaining items this list will still be perfectly manageable: my current estimate is 40 insect + 14 enthoghnatan families.
We could cover the entire Arthropoda, too – perhaps other than Acari and Crustacea.

Worse than we thought: Two more missing hymenopteran families
Liopteridae [Cynipoidea]: 3 spp. in 2 genera in our area(1)(2)
Mymarommatidae [Mymarommatoidea]: 6 spp. in 2 genera in our area(3)
both families are in good standing(4), and both have been listed on the order info page for a long time

We have Liopteridae now: http

Mymarommatidae Wish Granted

Thanks, Melissa.

Info on Sclerogibbidae
Our lone species, Probethylus schwarzi, is located in Arizona, and parasitizes webspinners (Anisembia texana is the only known host thus far). Female is wingless and ant-like, male is winged.

Added that info to the list because some people may not read all the comments.

Still missing are 9 families in the Coccoidea, per(1):
1. Putoidae
2. Aclerdidae
3. Cryptococcidae
4. Tachardiidae
5. Lecanodiaspididae
6. Cerococcidae
7. Asterolecaniidae
8. Conchaspididae
9. Phoenicococcidae

...and 4 families in the Heteroptera
1. Polyctenidae [2 spp., bat ectoparasites]
2. Schizopteridae [0.8-2mm; 4 spp., all very rare]
3. Leptopodidae [1 adventive sp., CA]
4. Heterogastridae [2 spp., LA-TX + far western states]

no holes in other sections!

Asterolecaniidae and Aclerdidae
Asterolecaniidae and Aclerdidae have now been added to the guide.

Putoidae can be removed from the list.

Another possible Asterolecaniidae

It's most likely Russellaspis pustulans, according to the iNaturalist discussion linked on that page.

Maybe here, if this is Asterolecanium puteanum (Holly Pit Scale), not sure what else it could be.

Leptopodidae off the list!

Schizopteridae off the list

You can check off Phoenicococcidae
Thanks to Dennis Haines for the ID confirmation. (1)

i'd humbly suggest... move all the 'done' entries to the bottom of their respective sub-lists, and perhaps color-highlight the remaining wanted ones

Or maybe
just delete 'em--the discussion below retains a record of what used to be on the list.

That is better
Thanks for suggesting something easy. Done.

Oxaeidae is now Andrenidae: Oxaeinae
Protoxaea gloriosa is common in most years in SE AZ. I intend to photograph it during the 2010 Bee Course.

Good luck with the course and with bee hunting.

Will try give you a hand with the flies
Even though I'm more of a beetle person and don't know much about fly taxonomy or identification :) The fly collection up here at the U of C is fairly well-curated as the curator is a dipterist by training..I will try to see whether there are representatives for any of the missing families in the collection.

Hym.: Pergidae [misspelled here as 'Perigidae']
here -- page created 10/8/08 by Beatriz Moisset, of all people :)))
i'll try to make other sine cura dents in your wish list...

On the other hand...
Micropterigidae is missing from both the guide and the lep wish list!

I just had a moth ID'd by Eric LaGasa as one of the Epimartyria spp.

All Leps
I used All-Leps for the list and Micropterigidae isn't listed there. Should we discuss this in the Taxonomy forum? I don't know enough about it.

We have abandoned All-Leps as a standard, and this is a good example of why we have done so. I'm not aware of any taxonomic system that disputes the existence of this family (or the species contained within it, for that matter!). This isn't some new discovery; it's in Holland's moth book, the Peterson moth guide, etc. etc.

Update a year later (November 2009)
One family of Hymenoptera has been taken out of the list: Agaonidae. We have 7 more to go.

Five Lepidoptera families have been taken out of the list:
1. Dalceridae
2. Douglasiidae
3. Epermeniidae
4. Epipyropidae
5. Peleopodidae
We have five more to go.
Hymenoptera is lagging behind, I hope that next year is better.

Keith is handling the Diptera wish list

If anybody wants to make a wish list for Hemiptera, please do. It would be greatly appreciated.

has been added (note spelling)

Thanks. Five more to go (it seems that I didn't count them right before):

Acanthopteroctetidae, Archaic sun moths
Tischeriidae, Trumpet leaf miner moths

In Hymenoptera we still need seven:

Anaxyelidae, (with only one species: cedar wood wasp, Syntexis libocedrii)

Tanaostigmatidae has been added

Four moths left
Tischeriidae is already accounted for.

Ok, ok
two plus two equals five : )

Second Update. November 2008
We added 3 Hymenoptera families (Elasmidae, Embolemidae and Rhopalosomatidae) and still have 8 to go.
We added 4 Lepidoptera families (Epipyropidae, Heliozelidae, Lyonetiidae and Tischeriidae) and still have 10 more to go. We are making a little progress.
(Keith is handling the Diptera wish list now).

Embolemid posted...

I'd say half the problem is g
I'd say half the problem is getting a good photo and an 100% positive ID on some of these... that said, I have access to a lot of fungi gnats, so I'll give it a go, but man them things are tiney... we really need phantom midge? Maybe someone can raise one from larva.

Update on wish list
Two families of Lepidoptera have been taken out of the wish list:
1. Copromorphidae, (Tropical fruitworm moths) Dick Wilson 3/11/2008
2. Hyblaeidae (Teak moths) Jeff Hollenbeck 2/8/2008.
No changes in the Hymenoptera list and as you all know, Keith is in charge of the Diptera list nowadays.

Hi, It is a very interesting list of lepidoptera and it seems that most information about moths could be obtained from He might even supply bugguide with exceptional photos and information. Would he be willing to be a contributor or an editor? teddie carboni

Thank you for making this list. I didn't know it existed until today. Some of the fly families we're missing are embarrassingly common, such as Corethrellidae and Tethinidae. I agree that the Coleoptera list was helpful, but I think that adding images of dead, preserved specimens is nowhere near as helpful as live insects. I think separate lists should be kept of families that have no images and families that have no images of live specimens.

That said, I really only have the means to take photos of dead specimens, but my collection is relatively strong.

Since you made this list, I've added Nymphomyiidae and Apioceridae. There are more families available to me, but they are preserved in ethanol. Every so often on my free time my lab mate and I will critical point dry, mount, and take pictures of more families. I personally have Tethinidae but have not prepared the specimens from ethanol yet.

In the lab and collection in which I work I have access to Nearctic representatives of every family on this list EXCEPT Acartophthalmidae, Braulidae, Camillidae, Cryptochetidae, Cypselosomatidae, Ropalomeridae, Streblidae, Strongylophthalmyiidae, Tanypezidae, and Vermileonidae. We do have these families, but the specimens are not from the US and Canada. I might also be able to take pictures of preserved Agaonidae, Pergidae, and Rhopalosomatidae.

Anyone who can upload pictures of preserved or even better- alive specimens before I can, please do. Live pictures, again, are much better anyway.

Also, I would add the following fly families to this list. I don't know why some are missing from Nomina Nearctica, but others have either been found/introduced in N. America only recently or were recently split into new families:
Lygistorrhinidae, Ditomyiidae, Diadocidiidae, Bolitophilidae, Canthyloscelidae, Oreoleptidae, Atelestidae, Apsilocephalidae, Helcomyzidae, Heterocheilidae, Fergusoninidae (I think it's been introduced).

Lyonetiidae image

Seems Lyonetiidae is no longer valid

not ironic at all ..
as everyone knows, in the land of coleopterists; "all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average."

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