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Family Culicidae - Mosquitoes

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County Maps of Texas' 85 Mosquito Species - Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
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Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
There have been 85 species of mosquitoes identified in the state of Texas. The distribution of each mosquito species has been mapped. This distribution is based on literature and mosquito trapping conducted by the Agricultural and Environmental Safety Unit personnel.

Systematic Catalog of Culicidae

Systematic Catalog of Culicidae

Thomas V. Gaffigan, Richard C. Wilkerson, James E. Pecor, Judith A. Stoffer and Thomas Anderson

Compiled and maintained by the Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit (WRBU), Division of Entomology, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR), Silver Spring, Maryland, USA.

This work was performed under a Memorandum of Understanding between WRAIR and the Smithsonian Institution, with institutional support provided by both.

Mosquito Taxonomic Inventory (MTI)
Moderated by Ralph Harbach.
Note: The classification used on this site reflects the splitting approach to the taxonomy of Aedini.

Identification guide to common mosquitoes of Florida, by M.M. Cutwa-Francis & G.F. O'Meara

Armed Forces Pest Management Board
Useful site for anything pest related, such as mosquitoes, ticks, spiders, etc. Any crop pest, or animal that stings, bites, transmits a disease, or is a pest is covered. In particular, the LRS search function is an amazing source of digitized books, documents, and journal articles. Their pest-related literature database is staggeringly complete, though it can be cumbersome to search through.

Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit
Collaboration between US Army and Smithsonian. HUGE resource for images, keys, and for digitized books and articles about mosquitoes and other medically important insects.

Field/Photo ID for Flies: Fly Guide
Created by Even Dankowicz, and maintained by Zachary and Even Dankowicz.

Flies of Illinois
Our own Angella Moorehouse has been photographing plants and bugs in Illinois for years and she has put together a free downloadable guide to many of the flies she has photographed in Illinois. You will likely find it useful throughout much of the Midwest and Northeast. Enjoy! Thank you, Angella!

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