Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Catabena lineolata Walker, 1865
Turbula petraea Walker, 1869
Adisophanes miscellus Grote, 1873
* Phylogenetic sequence #931765.
Catabena species are found in America north of Mexico.
Forewing length 11-14 mm.
Adult: forewing light gray with brownish cast, marked with very fine black and white lengthwise streaks; ends of AM and PM lines generally visible at costa but otherwise obscure; terminal line composed of blackish dashes; fringe dark with whitish streaks; hindwing white, with grayish-brown shading preceding terminal line; fringe white.
[adapted from description by Lynn Scott]
Maryland to Quebec and Ontario, west through central and south-central states to California, north in the west to Alberta and British Columbia.
Bug Guide - range map with monthly record of photos submitted to the guide.
Moth Photographers Group - large range map with collection dates.
Most records are from April through September.
California has a single flight from March to August with a few scattered records through November.
Larvae feed on goldenrod (
Solidago spp.) and Vervain -
Verbena stricta, Verbena urticifolia,
Verbena hastataLife Cycle
Larva; larva; larva; pupal shelter/cocoon; adult
See Also
Catabenoides vitrina forewing has thicker/heavier black lines, and a more southern distribution (doesn't occur in northern states or Canada)
♂ . . . . . . . . . . . . ♀
Print References
Lafontaine J. D., and B. C. Schmidt 2010. Annotated check list of the Noctuoidea (Insecta, Lepidoptera) of North America North of Mexico. p. 59.
Powell, J. A., and P. A. Opler 2009. Moths of Western North America. pl. 51.17; p. 285.
Internet References
Moth Photographers Group - range map, photos of living and pinned adults.
BOLD - Barcode of Life Data Systems - collection map and photos of pinned adults.
distribution in Canada; list of provinces of occurrence (U. of Alberta, using CBIF data)