Explanation of Names
Pedilus Fischer von Waldheim 1822
Key to species in
(3); males often have modified elytral tips/declivity
in NA, mostly w.US, also the northeast
(1); eastern spp.:
P. canaliculatus, cyanipennis, elegans, impressus, labiatus, lugubris, terminalis; the ranges of
P. joanae and
P. lewisi are continental.
on flowers/vegetation in damp areas
Not yet in guide:
P. alticolus Fall, 1915 [CA]
P. crotchii (Horn, 1874) [CA/OR]
P. cyanipennis Bland, 1864 [Appalachian]
P. dentatus Abdullah, 1964 [CA]
P. fenderi, granti, johnsonorum Young, manuscript names [CA all]
P. longilobus Fall, 1915 [CA/NV-WA]
P. monticolus (Horn, 1874) [CA/NV]
P. oregonus Fall, 1915 [BC-CA]
P. picipennis Fall, 1915 [CA/WA-ID/UT]
P. rusticus Abdullah, 1964 [CA]
P. serratus Fall, 1915 [CA]
P. vittatus (Horn, 1871) [CA-ID/UT]