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Genus Otiocerus

planthopper - Otiocerus wolfii orange and white moth - Otiocerus coquebertii Planthopper - Otiocerus wolfii - female Derbidae Otiocerus wolfii - Otiocerus wolfii Planthopper - Otiocerus coquebertii I think this might be Otiocerus francilloni - Otiocerus francilloni Pennsylvania Planthopper - Otiocerus wolfii  Otiocerus reaumurii - Otiocerus reaumurii
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Hexapoda (Hexapods)
Class Insecta (Insects)
Order Hemiptera (True Bugs, Cicadas, Hoppers, Aphids and Allies)
Suborder Auchenorrhyncha (True Hoppers)
Infraorder Fulgoromorpha (Planthoppers)
Superfamily Fulgoroidea
Family Derbidae (Derbid Planthoppers)
Subfamily Otiocerinae
Tribe Otiocerini
Genus Otiocerus
Explanation of Names
Otiocerus Kirby 1821
9 spp. in our area, 14 total(1)
Otiocerus abbotii Kirby, 1821: eastern U.S. and Canada
Otiocerus amyotii Fitch, 1856: eastern to central U.S. and Canada
Otiocerus coquebertii Kirby, 1821: eastern and central U.S. and Canada
Otiocerus francilloni Kirby, 1821: eastern U.S.
Otiocerus kirbyii Fitch, 1851: eastern to central U.S. and Canada
Otiocerus reaumurii Kirby, 1821: eastern to central U.S. and Canada
Otiocerus stollii Kirby, 1821: eastern to central U.S. and Canada
Otiocerus wolfii Kirby, 1821: eastern to central U.S. and Canada
extralimital species
Otiocerus breviceps Fowler, 1900: Panama
Otiocerus fontis Fennah, 1952
Otiocerus lyncaeste Fennah, 1952
Otiocerus regalis Fennah, 1952
Otiocerus schoenherri Stål, 1859
Otiocerus venustus Fowler, 1900: Guatemala, Panama
se. Canada to Panama, W. Indies(1)
food plants are deciduous trees(2)
Internet References
Works Cited
1.Bartlett C.R. and contributors (2017-) Planthoppers of North America
2.The Fulgoridae or plant-hoppers of Mississippi.
Dozier, H.L. 1922. Discertation, The Ohio State University, Columbus. 152 pp.