Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
original combination
Matigramma metaleuca Hampson, 1913 (
description, pg.329)
transfered to new genus
Acritogramma Franclemont, 1986
* phylogenetic sequence # 931013
one of 2 species in this genus in North America listed at
Adults - forewing medium gray with black AM and PM lines and light gray shading immediately beyond those lines; PM line has V-shaped or U-shaped jog near middle, and its upper portion is thickened and does not reach costa; terminal line black, wavy; fringe scalloped, pale basally, darker distally; hindwing brownish-gray with dark wavy terminal line
California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and into Mexico
adults fly from March to at least June
See Also
Heteranassa, but easily distinguished from this genus by the conspicuous spines on the mesothoracic tibia and by the absence of dorsal tufts on the abdominal segments
Internet References
pinned adult image copied from CDFA site (Moth Photographers Group)
presence in Arizona; list of specimen by Wielgus in March 2007 [search on genus "Acritogramma"] (Lepidopterists Society Season Summary, U. of Florida)
presence in California; list of 4 specimens with dates and locations (U. of California at Berkeley)
presence in Utah; list (Joel Johnson, Utah Lepidopterists Society)
Contributed by
Robin McLeod on 6 March, 2008 - 12:19am
Additional contributions by
Randy HardyLast updated 18 June, 2012 - 8:28pm