Species Neotridactylus apicialis - Larger Pygmy Mole Grasshopper
Grasshoppers (Acrididae) of Colorado: identification, biology and management By John L. Capinera, T. S. Sechrist Colorado State University Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin, 584S, 1982
Synopsis of Orthoptera (sensu lato) of Alabama By Matt E. Dakin, Jr., and Kirby L. Hays Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin, No. 404, 1970
Keys to at least most of the latent sense Orthoptera in Alabama (includes Blattodea, Mantodea, Phasmida, etc).
Key to the Grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae) of Florida By Trevor Randall Smith, Jason G. Froeba, and John L. Capinera Florida Entomologist, Vol. 87, No. 4, 2004
"A dichotomous key is presented to aid in the identification of the adult stage of the 71 grasshopper species known to occur in Florida. Reflecting recent research one subspecies, Schistocerca alutacea rubiginosa (Scudder), has been elevated to species status Schistocerca rubiginosa (Harris) in this key."
Florida Entomologist link
Florida Entomologist PDF
The grasshoppers of Oklahoma (Orthoptera: Acrididae) By Stanley Coppock Jr Oklahoma State University, 1962
Cricket Radio: Tuning in the Night-Singing Insects By John Himmelman Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2011
Contributed by metrioptera on 6 December, 2011 - 5:09pm |
Guide to Night-Singing Insects of the Northeast By Michael DiGiorgio & John Himmelman Stackpole Books, 2009
Contributed by metrioptera on 6 December, 2011 - 5:05pm |
Orthoptera of North-Eastern America By W. S. Blatchley The Nature Publishing Company, 1920
Old is not always bad. While it is seriously outdated (1920), most thorough and comprehensive single treatment of eastern US Orthoptera (and related insects) published is 'Orthoptera of North-eastern America' by W. S. Blatchley. Some subsets of the insects included in this book have been more recently treated in more depth, but not all together in one place.
The title is a bit misleading, because included are nearly all species then known to be found east of the Mississippi. Also, the definition of Orthoptera has changed over the years, and this book includes things such as Earwigs (Dermaptera), Roaches & Mantids (Dictyoptera), and Walkingsticks (Phasmatodea). It is well worth a search through libraries and used book shops if you are really interested in these insects. It does not have much in the way of illustrations (mostly drawings to aid in identification where necessary), but it is very interesting to read, with lots of discussion and detail. Each species is discussed at length and includes descriptions of the insect, habitat, life history when known, history, etc.
Songs of Crickets and Katydids of the Mid-Atlantic States By Steve Rannels, Wil Hershberger and Joseph Dillon (authors), 1998
Mentioned by Eric Eaton in a post--I have not heard this CD. It is available from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology ( www.sapsuckerwoods.com). Can be ordered from the authors at http://cricketsong.tripod.com/ (link updated 10/7/2010).
Update: I have this CD, and the quality is very good. It overlaps, somewhat, Elliott and Hershberger, The Songs of Insects (1), an excellent book that includes a CD of 75 species of orthoptera, plus some cicadas.
Contributed by Cotinis on 28 August, 2005 - 11:16pm |