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Earwig - Doru aculeatum - male

Earwig - Doru aculeatum - Male
East of Buckhannon, Upshur County, West Virginia, USA
May 15, 2005
I rarely see earwigs under bark. Yesterday, though, in peeling back some bark on American Hornbeam, there was nothing much there but Earwigs.

Doru aculeatum (Scudder); the only sp. in that area
Moved from Doru.

Moved from Earwigs.

The yellow-on-the-sides,black-down-the-middle color pattern would seem to be characteristic of the genus. The clincher would be whether the 2nd tarsal segment extends under the distal one, and is wider than it. Such a characteristic would make it Forficulidae, and the only other US genera in Forficulidae can be eliminated easily. Unfortunately, this image doesn't seem to have enough detail in the right places.

Even so, a search for male Doru images will turn up ones with pretty much identical forceps.

i agree with the ID, male Doru

Trophy male:-)
Wow, what a set of forceps on this guy! This is not a European earwig, either, but I'm not sure what alternatives there are in your area. Nice portrait.

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